The 1-2-3 Challenge: July 2021

July in Texas. “Mid” summer. The kids are home. Cookouts. Swimming. Vacation. Staycation.  Still a few months before the holidays. And it’s hot, y’all. As we’re sweating away the pounds, now can also be a good time to trim excess spending from the budget. So we’re starting a challenge. Here are the rules:  Challenge 1: During one week in July, …

Are you financially proactive?

Steven Covey, in his best seller 7 Habits of Highly Effective People writes that the in order to be effective, you must “Be Proactive.”     Don’t blame others for your behavior.  Instead, focus your time and energy on things you can control. PREPARE(proactive) VS RESPOND(reactive) In counseling, the proactive coping approach denotes behaviors in which one will prepare for an event …