It’s that time of year again! The best of times and sometimes the worst of times, financially speaking. Christmas. And more specifically: Christmas Budget time! This post is really about the financial impact of Christmas on the everyday American—specifically me, a financial coach. Even though I’m not a perfect example of budgeting, Christmas is an area and sought to hone …
Saving Money on Groceries
When we were raising our young family many years ago, coupons were my savings vehicle of choice when it came to groceries. But over time, the coupon section (that was the reason I bought a Sunday newspaper) disappeared – at least in our area. Since then, there are three main strategies that I’ve implemented to save money on groceries. Meal …
The 1-2-3 Challenge: July 2021
July in Texas. “Mid” summer. The kids are home. Cookouts. Swimming. Vacation. Staycation. Still a few months before the holidays. And it’s hot, y’all. As we’re sweating away the pounds, now can also be a good time to trim excess spending from the budget. So we’re starting a challenge. Here are the rules: Challenge 1: During one week in July, …
Last College Tuition Payment!
Last college tuition payment. As I clicked the “Pay Now” button, I felt lighter. Our backstory is not unlike a lot of other couples with children our age. We spent our 20’s having children, our 30’s raising them, and our 40’s….well, that decade came way too quickly. And we had not saved a dime for our FOUR (4) children’s higher …
Are You a Victim of Financial Self-Sabotage?
One of the biggest blocks to success is a client’s financial self-sabotage. As coaches, we’ve seen this happen. Financial self-sabotage slows if not stops the progress toward financial goals. Self-sabotage includes keeping secrets from your financial coach, your spouse, and even yourself. CONSIDER…. I have a fitness coach whom I hired to get me in shape. I do all the …