C. Mark Pickle, CPA*
President / Founder, StoreHouse Financial Solutions
Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach
Since 1999, Mark has been providing one-on-one personal financial coaching to married couples and individuals and teaching financial literacy seminars and planning strategies to various corporate groups and churches throughout the nation. He also provides consulting services for clients with small businesses. Mark’s life journey has prepared him personally and professionally to encourage strong financial health and solutions for people in all walks of life—from the financially distressed to the financially independent. Mark and his family have been debt free for over 20 years. As a father of nine children, Mark has lived through the complex dynamics and challenges that come with balancing real-life family events with personal finance. From this understanding, Mark’s passion is equipping clients with a practical financial plan and inspiring them toward financial excellence, implementing the time-tested principles, proprietary methods and established best practices of personal finance. Mark is the architect of Financial Health Index®, a proprietary service and system for benchmarking and tracking a client’s financial health and performance.
Mark has a BBA in Accounting from Abilene Christian University (1985) and is a licensed Texas CPA*since 1989. He has 20+ years’ experience in finance and corporate tax as a Fortune 500 consultant and auditor. After stepping down as an executive officer of a nationwide consulting and technology firm, Mark founded this financial planning services practice with a unique focus on a client’s financial health, using a harmonized coaching model—integrating both the technical and behavioral aspects of personal finance. Since 2005, Mark teamed up with Dave Ramsey as an independent financial coach and has perennially served as Dave’s local financial coach of choice for the greater Houston area.
What Dave Ramsey has to say about Mark Pickle:

Audio 1
Audio 2
Audio 3
*This firm is not a CPA firm.