There are 3 types of financial goals: lifetime, long-term, and short-term. This post is about creating a lifetime goal: FINANCIAL HEALTH.
Everything we do at StoreHouse Financial is with a view to your overall financial health. In fact, we are the only financial coaching firm to have the holistic Financial Health Index® (FHI) scoring system which helps us pinpoint the areas of your financial life that need to be addressed. Do you pay too much for internet? Do you need budget limits put in place for dining out? What types of savings accounts should you have? Is this the right time in your life for investing? We can dive deep into these and other questions together.
What we do together has much in common with physical health. To attain physical health, we need nutrition (what we bring into our bodies), exercise, and general ongoing wellness. We go see the doctor when we recognize that something is wrong or just to make sure we’re doing okay. In this analogy, StoreHouse is the “doctor” of choice. Using our FHI, we can help you come up with a plan for financial nutrition, exercise, and ongoing wellness.
You can begin your steps toward lifelong financial health by clicking here and setting up a Financial Health Assessment. Think of that 2-hour meeting as an objective financial check up. We’ll give you a baseline FHI score, a high-level budget, and some action steps custom designed for you.
Our next post will be about creating long-term goals. We hope you’ll come back!