Ever wondered why financial habits are sometimes hard to change? Maybe you don’t need convincing, and you understand the mathematical or logical reason behind the need for change. The problem is in the doing it by growing good financial habits. Here’s why: the pain of the problem (i.e. bad habit) has yet to exceed the perceived pain of the solution (i.e. …
Beater Car #2
If you read our previous post about our Beater Car #1, you might be wondering what is a beater? A beater is a paid-for car (no loans currently on it) that is likely older and in running condition, but not showroom floor condition. Case in point…. Before I discuss HOW we got this beauty, I want to relay two separate …
How to Make Creditor Calls Stop
Are you one of the many in today’s economy who are falling behind in debt and bill payments? Have the calls from creditors become relentless? Do you wish those would just stop? Making creditor calls stop is something that you can do on your own. All it takes is awareness, persistence and time. The following is a brief summary of …
What are the purposes for recurring monthly sessions with a financial coach?
Would you be surprised to know that our most successful clients have monthly sessions? There are four main reasons why they are committed to staying engaged with us in the form of monthly sessions: 1. Monthly sessions inspire the discipline to create/set up the plan for the next inflow of cash. If you’re following financial “best practices,” then every month, each …