When we first came in for financial coaching in 2013, we had one last remaining debt – our 2007 Honda Odyssey (named Homer) that we had purchased used but with low mileage in 2010. We’d done some things right when we bought it – researched and came up with a model that had a great track record, traded in our …
Are you financially proactive?
Steven Covey, in his best seller 7 Habits of Highly Effective People writes that the in order to be effective, you must “Be Proactive.” Don’t blame others for your behavior. Instead, focus your time and energy on things you can control. PREPARE(proactive) VS RESPOND(reactive) In counseling, the proactive coping approach denotes behaviors in which one will prepare for an event …
The American Nightmare: Putting the American Dream on a Credit Card
In a previous blog, we wrote that the price tag for the American dream is around $130,000/year. If a household does not have that kind of income, how does its members keep up with the Joneses? Some do through the use of credit cards. “Buy now, and pay later” often means “pay later and pay more too! In 2017, …
Fitness and Financial Discipline
Ever wondered why financial discipline is difficult? I mean, you KNOW you need to change. But….the problem is in the doing the change. Here’s why: Financial discipline: the pain of the staying the same > the pain of change I see this a lot in physically fit athletes. They’ve already passed the “perceived” pain threshold in their mind and have …
Five Years without a Cable Bill: Four Gains
Five years ago, we cut the ties and cut our cable bill in more than half. We got rid of cable. Once and for all. Not going back and do not even want to go back. In fact, I cannot think of anything we miss. Maybe Astros baseball (which was remedied by an MLB pass and a VPN) or Hallmark …
Seven Signs It’s Time to Buy A Home
Are you tired of “throwing away” your money through renting? Do you need more room to grow? Have you been diagnosed with house fever? Then now is the time to buy a home! OR IS IT? Through years of working with clients and seeing both success and failures as they navigate the home buying process and its aftermath, we have …
Are You a Victim of Financial Self-Sabotage?
One of the biggest blocks to success is a client’s financial self-sabotage. As coaches, we’ve seen this happen. Financial self-sabotage slows if not stops the progress toward financial goals. Self-sabotage includes keeping secrets from your financial coach, your spouse, and even yourself. CONSIDER…. I have a fitness coach whom I hired to get me in shape. I do all the …
How to Make Creditor Calls Stop
Are you one of the many in today’s economy who are falling behind in debt and bill payments? Have the calls from creditors become relentless? Do you wish those would just stop? Making creditor calls stop is something that you can do on your own. All it takes is awareness, persistence and time. The following is a brief summary of …