2024: Financial Freedom?


We’re definitely seeing the results of the pandemic in our society as we approach three years since the worldwide outbreak of Covid. 

We soothed our fears during that time with our purchases, and online shopping became more the norm. In fact, according to a recent article, 3% of Americans (or almost 10 million) became online shoppers for the first time as a direct result of the pandemic. 

As many of us worked from home, we got used to grocery delivery or Door Dash–at first, to protect ourselves from the disease, and now as a matter of convenience.

We kept ourselves distracted with added streaming services and entertainment options.  Who doesn’t like to retreat from the world for a bit with sitcoms or rom-coms? 

But as we are coming out of the Covid daze, we’re left with the aftermath in our finances. This might include credit card debt, personal loans, car debt, not to mention the ever-looming student loan debt.  Financial freedom can seem like a distant dream.

We are here for you.  StoreHouse Financial Coaches are accepting new appointments!  We can help you set attainable goals, pay off debt, create a monthly spending plan, increase your liquid savings, as well as save for retirement.  Contact us to schedule your Financial Health Assessment in January or even before.

2023 can definitely be your year of financial freedom.